The Giver...Chapters 1-4 Quiz
Question Number 1
How old is Jonas at the beginning of Chapter One?
A. fifteen
B. twelve
C. eleven
D. ten
Question Number 2
What happened to the Pilot who made a mistake during Flight?
A. He was punished with a fine.
B. He was place in jail.
C. He was sent to retraining.
D. He was released.
Question Number 3
How many children does each family is permitted to have?
A. two
B. five
C. three
D. one
Question Number 4
Jonas's mother works at ____________________________.
A. the Nurturing Center
B. the Center of the Old
C. the Learning Center
D. the Department of Justice
Question Number 5
What assignment did Asher received at the Ceremony of the Twelve.
A. Instructor of Threes
B. Assistant Director of Recreation
C. Nurturer
D. Receiver of Memories
Question Number 6
Who did Jonas dreanm about?
A. Asher
B. His family
C. Fiona
D. The Giver
Question Number 7
What has Jonas been selected to do?
A. Instructor of Threes
B. Nurturer
C. Receiver of Memories
D. None of the above
Question Number 8
What are Stirrings?
A. Feelings
B. Boots
C. Jackets
D. None of the above
Question Number 9
What was used to correct a Three's behavior or vocabulary?
A. apology
B. time out
C. wand
D. All of the above
Question Number 10
Why was Jonas fearful of his assignment?
A. It would be too hard.
B. The elders would give him the wrong assignment.
C. He did not know what his selection meant.
D. All of the above
Question Number 11
What did the Nines receive at their Ceremony?
A. Jackets
B. Haircuts
C. Assignments
D. Bycicles
Question Number 12
At what age did Dream-Telling begin?
A. two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five