The body of guts or not? Quiz
Question Number 1
Which of the following organs can hardly be transplanted?
A. kidneys
B. spleen
C. lungs
D. brain
E. stomach
F. throat
Question Number 2
Which of the following events in mitosis takes place LAST?
A. formation of cleavage furrow and separation
B. pulling of chromatids to the opposite poles
C. duplication of chromosomes
D. chromosomes do not replicate
E. cell wall extends at the middle until it swells
F. alignment of chromatids at the center of the cell
Question Number 3
What division of the brain contorls your artistic abilities?
A. left half
B. right half
C. medulla oblongata
D. cerebellum
E. spinal cord
F. temporal lobe
Question Number 4
Which of the following organisms undergo sexual reproduction?
A. humans
B. chicken
C. duck
D. cat
E. dogs
F. all of them
Question Number 5
which of the following does not break slowly the stone implanted in your kidney?
A. drinking water
B. hemodialysis
C. extra-corporeal shock wave lithotripsy
D. surgery
E. kidney transplant
F. laser surgery
Question Number 6
Which of the following does not break slowly the stone implanted in your kidney?
A. drinking water
B. hemodialysis
C. extra-corporeal shock wave lithotripsy
D. surgery
E. kidney transplant
F. laser surgery
Question Number 7
What do you call the inflammatory lung cancer caused by the inhalation of fine silica dust?
A. pneumonoultramichoscopicsilisovolcanoconiosis
B. pneuminomicroscopiosliconiosis
C. pneumonoultramicroscopicvulcasiliconiosis
D. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
E. neurophytemicroscopisiliconiosis
F. monoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
Question Number 8
Which of the following organs excrete bile?
A. lungs
B. heart
C. liver
D. skin
E. rectum
F. appendix