biology Quiz
Question Number 1
what is tissue
A. collection of organs
B. collection of cells
C. collection of cells having similar funtions
Question Number 2
what is tissue
A. collection of organs
B. collection of cells
C. collection of cells having similar funtions
Question Number 3
what is a blood
A. a blood is a tissue
B. blood is acell suspension in an aqueous solution
C. none of the above
D. all of the above
Question Number 4
what are the cells that make up the body cells
A. sperm cells
B. egg cells
C. bone cells
D. somatic cells
Question Number 5
what are the cells that make up the bone cells
A. chondroblant cells
B. oestoblast cells
Question Number 6
what are the cells that make up the bone cells
A. chondroblant cells
B. oestoblast cells
Question Number 7
what is a suspension
A. is a solution
B. is an immixable mixture