biology Quiz
Question Number 1
Why does milk curdle
A. Fermentation of lactose
B. Reaction of microbes
C. over heating
D. fungus growth
Question Number 2
What is the main purpose of white blood corpuscles
A. to carry nutrients
B. to combat infection
C. to carry oxygen
D. to give strength
Question Number 3
which of the following help in clotting of blood
A. vitamin B1
B. vitamin B2
C. Vitamin D
D. Vitamin K
Question Number 4
red blood corpuscles are formed in the
A. liver
B. bone marrow
C. kidneys
D. heart
Question Number 5
blood does not coagulate inside the body due to the presence of
A. haemoglobin
B. heparin
C. fibrin
D. plasma
Question Number 6
the number oe bones in the human body of an adult is approximately
A. 210
B. 250
C. 206
D. not fixed
Question Number 7
lungs are situated in the
A. abdominal cavity
B. pericardial cavity
C. buccal cavity
D. thoracic cavity
Question Number 8
the pancreas secretes
A. insulin
B. vitamin A
C. bile juice
D. none of these
Question Number 9
the seat of memory in the human brain in located in the
A. medulla oblangata
B. cerebrum
C. cortex
D. cerebellum
Question Number 10
tibia is a bone found in the
A. skull
B. arm
C. leg
D. face
Question Number 11
the highest point in the blood pressure or upper reading of blood pressure is called
A. systolic pressure
B. diastolic pressure
C. hypotension
D. hypertension
Question Number 12
the strongest muscle in the human body is found in
A. hands
B. buttocks
C. neck
D. legs
Question Number 13
the strongest muscle in the human body is found in
A. hands
B. buttocks
C. neck
D. legs
Question Number 14
duodenum is a part of
A. brain
B. intestine
C. liver
D. lungs
Question Number 15
a gene is a
A. sleeping inducing drug
B. unit of heredity
C. a kind of vitamin
D. a type of body cell
Question Number 16
a gene is a
A. sleeping inducing drug
B. unit of heredity
C. a kind of vitamin
D. a type of body cell
Question Number 17
how many bones are there in a newly born infant
A. 206
B. 230
C. 280
D. 350
Question Number 18
the shortest bone in the human body is
A. vertebrae
B. stapes
C. phalanges
D. metacarpals
Question Number 19
human blood contains_____ percentage of plasma
A. 35%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. 65%
Question Number 20
medula oblongata is a part of human
A. heart
B. brain
C. liver
D. sex organ