Mira's Geography Quiz Quiz
Question Number 1
What were the first and last of the 50 states to join the U.S.?
A. Delaware, Alaska
B. Missouri, Texas
C. New York, Puerto Rico
D. Delaware, Hawaii
E. Alaska, Hawaii
F. Kentucky, Mississippi
Question Number 2
What is opposite the International Date Line on a map of the Earth?
A. The Equator
B. The North Pole
C. The Prime Meridian
D. New York, New York
E. Tokyo, Japan
F. The capital of Brazil
Question Number 3
What city in Canada has the tallest structure?
A. Victoria
B. Ottawa
C. Montreal
D. Fredericton
E. Quebec City
F. Toronto
Question Number 4
Which of the following is NOT an ocean?
A. The Artic Ocean
B. The Pacific Ocean
C. The Atlantic Ocean
D. The Indian Ocean
Question Number 5
Which cities are considered the "Twin Cities"?
A. Iran, Iraq
B. Minneapolis, St. Paul's
C. Long Island, Rhode Island
D. New York, Manhattan
E. Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro
F. Arctic, Antarctic
Question Number 6
Which country has the Aboriginal name, "kanata"?
A. Kaymen Islands
B. Korea
C. Caymen Islands
D. Canada
E. Kenya
F. Kazhakstan