biology Quiz
Question Number 1
who is the father of biology?
A. carolus linneus.
B. R.H. whittker
C. Aris tortle
D. louis pastear
E. robert hooke
F. none of the above
Question Number 2
which organisms is the connecting link between the chordates and non-chordate?s
A. star fish
B. rana tagrina
C. sthrutio camello
D. balanoglosus
E. none of the above
F. salamandor
Question Number 3
which is the living content inside the cell?
A. cytoplasm
B. protoplasm
C. mitochondrion
D. nucleus
E. none of the above
F. all of these
Question Number 4
which is the controlling unit of respiration in human brain?
A. pons virlli
B. medulla oblongata
C. cerebellum
D. cerebrum
E. none of the above
F. both A and B
Question Number 5
which is the controlling unit of respiration in human brain?
A. pons virlli
B. medulla oblongata
C. cerebellum
D. cerebrum
E. none of the above
F. both A and B
Question Number 6
By which name bryophytes also known as in plant kingdom?
A. amphibians of plant kingdom
B. thallus
C. ferns
D. none of the above