Manorialism Quiz
Question Number 1
What type of system was the Manorialism?
A. it was a slave trade
B. it was a trade system
C. It was economic system
D. it was an important system
Question Number 2
What type of system was the Manorialism?
A. it was a slave trade
B. it was a trade system
C. It was economic system
D. it was an important system
E. it was a political system
F. it wasnt a system
Question Number 3
what is manorialism
A. a trade route.
B. the economic system during the middle ages that self-sufficient a farmin estates where lords and peasants shared land.
C. It was economic system.
D. it had farming.
E. small villages.
F. it was a perfect town where africans did there daily citizenship and duties.