human body Quiz
Question Number 1
What is the name of the biggest part of the human brain?
A. Ocipital lobe
B. Cerebellum
C. Medulla oblongata
D. Cerebrum
E. Brain stem
F. Parietal lobe
Question Number 2
The colored part of the human eye that controls how much light passes through the pupil is called the?
A. Optic nerve
B. Lens
C. Cornea
D. Pupil
E. Retina
F. Iris
Question Number 3
The muscles found in the front of your thighs are known as what?
A. Quadriceps
B. Patella
C. Pubis bone
D. Patollar tendon
E. Lliacus
F. Gracillis
Question Number 4
True or false? The two chambers at the bottom of your heart are called ventricles.
A. False
B. True
C. Maybe
Question Number 5
What substance are nails made of?
A. Eponychium
B. Lunula
C. Keratin
D. Nail plate
E. Nail groove
Question Number 6
What is the human body’s biggest organ?
A. Liver
B. Lungs
C. Heart
D. Kidney
E. The skin
F. Spleen
Question Number 7
The innermost part of bones contains what?
A. Medullary cavity
B. Compact bone
C. Spongy bone
D. Metaphysis
E. Bone marrow
F. Diaphysis
Question Number 8
True or false? An adult human body has over 500 bones.
A. True (there are 500 bones)
B. Maybe ( there are 300-400)
C. False (there are 206)
Question Number 9
How many lungs does the human body have?
A. 4
B. 2
C. 1
D. 3
E. 5
F. 10
Question Number 10
The two holes in your nose are called?
A. Nostrils
B. Nasal cavity
C. Dorsum
D. Nasal bone
E. Cartillage