Middle East Quiz
Question Number 1
Whose holy book is the Torah?
A. Christians
B. Jews
C. Muslims
D. Hindus
Question Number 2
What country is frequently attacked by Arab extremist groups?
A. Iran
B. Israel
C. Turkey
D. Armenia
Question Number 3
The massacre of people in this ethnic group is one of the subjects in Saddam Hussein's trial.
A. Kurds
B. Arabs
C. Israelites
D. Armenians
Question Number 4
This country was the winner of the six-day war.
A. Iran
B. Israel
C. Iraq
D. Armenia
Question Number 5
The traditional lifestyle of Bedouins was that of
A. farmers.
B. nomadic herders.
C. fishers.
D. hunters.
Question Number 6
The Jewish state was created in part of
A. Egypt.
B. Jordan.
C. Palestine.
D. Saudi Arabia.
Question Number 7
Men and women in the Middle East act to ensure the welfare of their families by
A. fulfilling their roles.
B. participating in government.
C. earning income.
D. obtaining property.
Question Number 8
Which of the following groups generally opposes a broader role for women?
A. government officials
B. religious leaders
C. educators
D. labor unions
Question Number 9
After Muhammad died, the leaders of Islam were called
A. the ulema.
B. muftis.
C. caliphs.
D. ayatollahs.
Question Number 10
Which of the following issues was resolved by the Camp David Accords?
A. control of the Golan Heights
B. control of East Jerusalem
C. the fate of Palestinians on the West Bank
D. Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula