How smart are you? Quiz
Question Number 1
What is the dividend if the satement is: 7014 divided by 2 equals 1002
A. 7014
B. 2
C. 1002
D. divided
E. equals
F. by
Question Number 2
Find the prime factors of 25
A. 1,2,3
B. 1,7
C. 1,7,5
D. 1,5
E. 1
F. 2
Question Number 3
What's the odd numbers between 30 and 40
A. 32,34,36,38,40
B. 31,32,34,37,39.40
C. 31,33,35,37,39
D. 56
E. 31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39
F. 30,33,35,37,39