Quick Learning Quiz
Question Number 1
A teacher is paid an annual salary of $32,160.What is his gross monthly salary?
A. $1, 206
B. $2, 340
C. $2, 680
D. $3, 451
E. $0, 000
F. $1, 212
Question Number 2
An enginer earns an annual salary of $58,236.Calculate his gross monthly salary.
A. $4,563
B. $3,629
C. $4,581
D. $4,853
E. $3,156
F. $3,653
Question Number 3
Translate the following to algebraic expressions. Five times a number x.
A. 5x
B. 5×x-x
C. 5-x
D. 5+x
E. 5÷x
F. 5=5
Question Number 4
Express the following in index form. 2×2×2×2×
A. 2¹
B. 2⁴
C. 2²
D. 2ⁿ
E. 2⅝
F. 2
Question Number 5
Supplication. 4a+2b+3a+4b
A. 6a+b
B. 5b+5a
C. a+b
D. b+a
E. 7a+6b
F. 7a+6a