The Eyes Quiz
Question Number 1
What is the clear part of our eyes called?
A. cornea
B. lens
C. iris
D. Retina
Question Number 2
What is the black center in our eyes called?
A. pupil
B. cornea
C. lens
D. Retina
Question Number 3
What nerves carries message from the eye to the brain?
A. Auditory Nerves
B. Optic Nerves
C. Sensory Nerves
D. Motor Nerves
Question Number 4
What are the two sensory receptors found in the retina?
A. pupil and cornea
B. peas and pods
C. lens and iris
D. rods and cones
Question Number 5
which part of the eye help us to recognize colors?
A. retina
B. rod
C. cones
D. iris
Question Number 6
what allows us to see in dim light?
A. rod
B. cones
C. pupil
D. iris
Question Number 7
what allows us to see in bright light?
A. rod
B. cones
C. cornea
D. pupil