Plants Quiz
Question Number 1
Which plant grows form seeds?
A. mango
B. rose
C. orchids
Question Number 2
Which statement tells about how plants are used?
A. Plants live in different places.
B. Plants differ in size, shape and color.
C. Plants give us food and building materials.
Question Number 3
How many seeds does a melon have?
A. few
B. one
C. many
Question Number 4
Plant leaves may be alike or different in
A. color, shape, size
B. shape and color
C. size
Question Number 5
Which part of the plant make food?
A. root
B. stem
C. leaves
Question Number 6
Which part of the plant grip the plant to the soil?
A. stem
B. root
C. leaves
Question Number 7
The ________________ of the plant produce new seeds which form new plants.
A. Flowers
B. Roots
C. Stem
Question Number 8
What are the common parts of a plant?
A. root, stem and leaves
B. root, stem, flower, leaves
C. root, stem, flower, fruit, leaves
Question Number 9
What plant live on air?
A. lotus
B. coconut tree
C. orchid
Question Number 10
What are the plants that give materials for clothing?
A. cotton plant, piņa, abaca
B. guava, gumamela, garlic
C. acacia, narra, mahogany
Question Number 11
What are plants that give materials for building houses?
A. cotton plant, piņa, abaca
B. guava, gumamela, garlic
C. acacia, narra, mahogany
Question Number 12
What are the plants that are used as medicines?
A. cotton plant, piņa, abaca
B. guava, gumamela, garlic
C. acacia, narra, mahogany
Question Number 13
What part of a plant beautifies our home?
A. roots
B. leaves
C. flowers
Question Number 14
What is the part of a plant that make food for the plant?
A. leaves
B. roots
C. fruits