Do you know Harry? Quiz
Question Number 1
Harry Potter goes to a witchraft school called?
A. Sleepy Hollow
B. Warthogs
C. School of Wizardry
D. Merlin Institute
E. Hogwarts
F. British College of Magic
Question Number 2
Harry has 2 very close friends throughout his teen life named...
A. Malfoy & Ron
B. Luna & Pavarti
C. Luna & Malfoy
D. Hermione & Victor
E. Victor & Ron
F. Ron & Hermione
Question Number 3
Who is Ron's rat really?
A. Moaning Myrtle
B. Uncle Sirius
C. Scabbers
D. James Potter
E. Peter Pettigrew
F. Dumbledore
Question Number 4
What is the title of the last book J.K Rowling wrote so far?
A. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
B. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
C. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkhaban
D. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
E. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
F. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Question Number 5
Pick the correct pet name for Hermione's cat.
A. Fluffy
B. Scabbers
C. Butterball
D. Crenshaw
E. Crookshanks
F. Muffy
Question Number 6
If you were Harry Potter,what "house" do you belong to?
A. Wisteria
B. Salazar
C. Ravenclaw
D. Gryffindor
E. Slytherin
F. Hufflepuff
Question Number 7
What is Dumbledore's actual first name?
A. Abilus
B. Derwin
C. Albus
D. Darwin
E. Arthurius
F. Lassius
Question Number 8
What is the spell to makes things come to you?
A. Alohomora!
B. Wingardium Leviosa!
C. Come here!
D. icito!
E. Slaterhoof!
F. Accio!
Question Number 9
How many Children in the Weasley family?
A. 4
B. 8
C. 10
D. 6
E. 3
F. 12
Question Number 10
How many current Harry Potter books are available out there?
A. 7
B. 8
C. 5
D. 15
E. 3
F. 10