English is fun Quiz
Question Number 1
Which ones of the following are forms of poems?
A. limiricks
B. collective nouns
C. indefinite noun
D. hikuies
E. a and d
F. all of the above
Question Number 2
Which is a relative pronoun?
A. who
B. in
C. my
D. to
E. let
F. tell
Question Number 3
Complete the simile:As light as a
A. bird
B. rock
Question Number 4
Complete the simile:As light as a
A. bird
B. rock
C. tiger
D. feather
E. ruby
F. duck
Question Number 5
Which one of the following are figurative phrases
A. in a nutshell
B. copy is neat
C. short shot
D. big shot
E. in a pickle
F. a and e