scientists Quiz
Question Number 1
what is paleontology
A. study of scientists
B. study of fossils
C. study of dianosaurs
D. study of plates
Question Number 2
who invented phonograph
A. albert einstien
B. issac newton
C. thomas alva edison
D. james watt
E. oliver wright
Question Number 3
who invented geometry
A. aryabhatta
B. pythagoras
C. aristotle
D. euclid
Question Number 4
who 2 are the father of mordern physics
A. galileo galili & nicolas coppernicus
B. Issac newton &thomas alva edison
C. albert einstien & benjamin franklin
D. alfred noble &marie curie
Question Number 5
who invented microscope
A. galileo galili
B. santario santario
C. rene senebiar