get it right Quiz
Question Number 1
What is the biggest bone in the body?
A. pelvis
B. cranium
C. femur
Question Number 2
What is the process to be done when your eating?
A. digestion
B. circulation
C. none of the above
Question Number 3
Name some of the endangered animal?
A. fish
B. monkey - eating eagle
C. dog
Question Number 4
What is the process when we are talking about flowers?
A. pollination
B. fertilization
C. reprodution
Question Number 5
What is the process when we are talking about animals?
A. reprodution
B. fertilization
C. pollination
Question Number 6
When a flower pollinate's a flower of the same kind, it is called _______.
A. cross pollination
B. self pollination
C. none of the above