science brains Quiz
Question Number 1
which scale is used to measure the temperature for scientific work
A. kelvin
B. degree celsius
C. degree fahrenhiet and celsius
D. none of them
Question Number 2
heat is a form which energy
A. thermal
B. solar
C. coal
D. wind
Question Number 3
what is in the laboratory thermometer
A. chemical
B. acid
C. merury
D. none of them
Question Number 4
name of the glass to store acids
A. float glass
B. energy efficient glass
C. ordinary sheet glass
D. none of them
Question Number 5
correct equation of photosynthesis is
A. 6CO2+6H2O in presence of sunlight and chlorophyll =C6H12O6+6O2
B. co2+water
C. h2o+no3
D. ca+mg