Revision Quiz
Question Number 1
which instrument used to measure gas pressure.
A. ammeter
B. barometer
C. manometer
D. thermometer
Question Number 2
A water manometer is used to measure the pressure of a gas supply to a house. It gives a reading of h cm of waterWhy is it better to use water rather than mercury in this manometer?
A. h would be too large if mercury were used.
B. h would be too small if mercury were used.
C. The tube would need to be narrower if mercury were used.
D. The tube would need to be wider if mercury were used.
Question Number 3
A pressure is measured using a manometer The water in the manometer is replaced with a liquid which is more denseHow does the value of h change?
A. It becomes zero.
B. It decreases, but not to zero.
C. It stays the same.
D. It increases
Question Number 4
what is efficiency?
A. useful workdone/output X100
B. input/output
C. output/input
D. output/input X 100
Question Number 5
The Crane lifts a 100 Kg block of concrete through a vertical height of 16 m in 20s.if the Power input to the motor is 1000 watts, What is the efficiency of the motor?
A. 80 %
B. 90 %
C. 30 %
D. 100 %
Question Number 6
using the data of Q.No 5 find the power ?
A. 200 watts
B. 250 Watts
C. 800 Watts
D. 750 watts
Question Number 7
using the data of Q.No 5 find the work done ?
A. 16000 J
B. 12000 J
C. 8000 J
D. 16000 K
Question Number 8
In the mercury barometer. what is the name of the empty space ?
A. air at atmospheric pressure
B. air at high pressure
C. a vacuum
D. water vapour
Question Number 9
what is the unit for pressure ?
A. Pascal
B. Joule
C. Kilogram
D. Watt
Question Number 10
what is value of Atmospheric Pressure value ?
A. 100 KIlopascal
B. 100 Watts
C. 100 Kilowatt
D. 100 Joules