scieene Quiz
Question Number 1
who discoverd nucleus?
A. rutherford
B. mendeelevs
C. bohr
D. newton
E. john dalton
F. aristotle
Question Number 2
what is the end product of reaction between an acid and a base?
A. alkali
B. metal
C. non metal
D. bases
E. acid
F. salt
Question Number 3
what is the ph value of a neutral substance?
A. 1
B. 7
C. 9
D. 12
E. 14
F. 7
Question Number 4
what is the formula derived from ohm's law?
A. p=hdg
B. v=ir
C. f=ma
D. i=v\a
E. Ee=p*t
F. none of the above
Question Number 5
what is the formula derived from ohm's law?
A. p=hdg
B. v=ir
C. f=ma
D. i=v\a
E. Ee=p*t
F. none of the above