geo Quiz
Question Number 1
Who is a tourist?
A. someone who visits a country
B. a person who buys from a chinese
C. a person who owns a reaturaunt
D. a person who comes from India
Question Number 2
What is a resource
A. a resorce is a natural habitat
C. a resource is something used to satisfy someone needs or wants
Question Number 3
What is a resource
A. a resorce is a natural habitat
B. an american
C. a resource is something used to satisfy someone needs or wants
Question Number 4
Who is the main producer of oil
A. china
B. jamaica
C. africa
D. venezuala
Question Number 5
Who is the main producer of oil
A. china
B. jamaica
C. africa
D. venezuala
Question Number 6
what is jamaica's main natural resource
A. oil
B. nickel
C. bauxite
D. rubber
E. trees
F. board
Question Number 7
Question Number 8
Who is a tourist?
A. someone who visits a country
B. a person who buys from a chinese
C. a person who owns a reaturaunt
D. a person who comes from India