Particle Physics Quiz
Question Number 1
The "C" in LHC stands for
A. Carbon
B. Collider
C. Colander
D. California
E. Colostomy
F. Clockwise
Question Number 2
The standard model is
A. Just over 5-feet, 8-inches
B. Also known as a blueprint
C. Usually gay
D. A list of various types of particles
E. Sculpted in clay before production
F. A binge eater
Question Number 3
The Higgs Boson is named after
A. Rutherford Higgs
B. An acronym for High Intensity Gigatron Gamma Seeds
C. The Greek word for "Gods"
D. The first initial of each family member of the theorist
E. Peter Higgs
F. The scientific term for "mass"
Question Number 4
What particle is composed of two up-quarks and one down-quark?
A. Proton
B. Positron
C. Poppy Seed
D. Neutrino
E. Common household dust
F. Who wants cake?
Question Number 5
Though not yet found, the particle for gravity is called a what?
A. Einsteinium
B. G-particle
C. Magnetron
D. Gravitanium
E. Impeller
F. Gravaton
Question Number 6
What particle in an atomic nucleus has a positive charge?
A. Neutron
B. Electron
C. Gravaton
D. Kardashatron
E. Proton
F. Positron
Question Number 7
The standard particle of light is the;
A. Electron
B. Positron
C. Photon
D. Photosite
E. Electromagnatism
F. Superluminal
Question Number 8
Who attributed Brownian Motion to the movement of atoms?
A. Philip Brown
B. Neils Bohr
C. Albert Einstein
D. Henry Ford
E. Democritus
F. George W Bush
Question Number 9
When accelerated to 99.999999% the speed of light, hydrogen nuclei weigh
A. Nothing
B. 7000 times what they weigh at rest
C. Half of their normal weight
D. 10 times their weight at rest
E. One-fifth the weight of an electron
F. The same as a car
Question Number 10
Wave/Particle duality shows that;
A. Particles are completely unpredictable
B. Exist simultaneously in 5-dimensions
C. Cannot be measured accurately
D. Are constantly changing matter states
E. A conscious observer changes the behavior of matter
F. Particles can behave as a particle, and as a wave