Myths And Legends Quiz
Question Number 1
What Is Pegesus?
A. A creature with a snake for a tale a body and face of a lion and a goat in the middle of his body.
B. A god that has winged shoes.
C. A horse with wings
D. A guy with a bird head.
Question Number 2
What was thesus's great acompsishment inolving a laybrinth?
A. Slaying the great dragon.
B. Hearing the song of the sirens.
C. Killing a hydra.
D. Slaying the minatour.
Question Number 3
What did odyeuses do to get in to a emenys fortress?
A. Went into a hollow horse with troops as a gift to the romans.
B. Hiring assains to sneak in and assainate them all.
C. catapulting the wals with 1986 troops.
D. ramed the walls until they got in.
Question Number 4
What is a satre?
A. A goat man with hornes and likes to dance.
B. A big guy with one eye.
C. A person with no head.
D. A person who sucks the blood of his victems.
Question Number 5
What is a centurion?
A. A Person that has mastered the skill of thieving.
B. A horse with a chest and head of a human.
C. Someone who has horns and a fury body.
Question Number 6
What did a god do to trick chronos from eating zeuse?
A. Put in a diffrent son.
B. Put a rock in to babys clothes.
C. Took zeuse and raised him.
Question Number 7
What is a miniator?
A. A creature with a snake for a tale a body and face of a lion and a goat in the middle of his body.
B. A horse with a chest and head of a human.
C. A creauture that is half human half bull.
D. A goat man
Question Number 8
Who is anubis?
A. A egyption god that can summon the undead.
B. A greek god who can time shift.
C. A greek god that is the god of the sea.
Question Number 9
Who is Horus
A. A egyption god that can summon the undead.
B. A man with the head of a bird.
C. A god with a dog head.
Question Number 10
Who is bastet
A. A egyption god that can summon the undead.
B. A man with the head of a bird.
C. A god with a dog head.
D. a Godess with the head of cat.
Question Number 11
What does the scorpion king looks like?
A. A scorpion with a crown.
B. a man with a scorpion tail.
C. A scorpion with the head of a man.
D. a scorpion with a chest and head of a man.
E. a man with the skills of a scorpion.etc,Poisines hit.