The Teeth Quiz
Question Number 1
The set of twenty teeth is called _______________
A. milk teeth
B. permanent teeth
C. big teeth
D. none of the above
Question Number 2
There are 32 teeth in a ____________ set of teeth.
A. temporary
B. permanent
C. fragile
Question Number 3
A strong soft thread that is used to clean between teeth is called a___________
A. tooth brush
B. floss
C. cavity
D. dentist
Question Number 4
A hole in the tooth caused by decay is ______________
A. root
B. rust
C. gum
D. cavity
Question Number 5
There are _______________ set of teeth.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. 20
Question Number 6
A brush for cleanin the teeth is _________________
A. molar
B. toothbrush
C. cavity
D. stick
Question Number 7
A person whose profession is to take care of the teeth is a _______________
A. doctor
B. cleaner
C. Dentist
D. polisher
Question Number 8
Where are the incisors located in the mouth?
A. the back of the jaw
B. the mid section
C. the front of the mouth
Question Number 9
How many incisors do we have?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
Question Number 10
What are the different types of teeth?
A. incisors, canines, molars , premolars, wisdom teeth
B. big , small ,milk teeth
C. strong, canine, huge
D. premolars, molars, little