chess quiz Quiz
Question Number 1
How many squares are there on a chess board?
A. 84
B. 64
C. 128
D. 72
E. 78
F. 90
Question Number 2
Which part of the board should you try to control?
A. The back squares
B. The middle squares
C. The black squares
D. The white squares
E. Anywhere
F. I don't know
Question Number 3
Why should you move your pieces out?
A. Because you are bored
B. I don't know
C. To look good
D. To be able to attack your opponent
E. Because they get in the way
F. So that I can lose themj
Question Number 4
Why should we castle?
A. To look good
B. To protect your Queen
C. When you have nothing else to do
D. To win the game
E. To protect your king and get your rook out
F. To move your rook out
Question Number 5
What should you do before you move?
A. Smile !
B. Think of somehing nasty to do to your opponent
C. Work out what your opponent can do to you
D. Plan your move only
E. Distract your opponent
F. Have a quick sleep
Question Number 6
What is a stalemate?
A. I dont know
B. White wins and Black draws
C. King not in check and no piece can move and its your turn to play.
D. Black wins
E. Some kind of prehistoric animal
F. Bread that is old
Question Number 7
Touch move is...
A. When I touch a ppiece I must move it
B. Touching all the pieces and moving to another place
C. You must take or move the piece that you have touched if it is a legal move
D. Touch your opponent's pieces
E. Pack away all the pieces
F. I am not sure
Question Number 8
Moving your queen out early in a game is...
A. Always good
B. Not a good idea
C. Good, if the teacher does not see you doing it
D. Always good against a weak player
E. Depends how far you move her
F. Only if she is not sleeping