digestive ailments Quiz
Question Number 1
___________ is an inflammation of the liver.
A. constipation
B. stomach ulcer
C. hepatitis
D. indigestion
Question Number 2
It is a small pit or open sore that penetrates the lining of the stomach.
A. tooth decay
B. ulcer
C. constipation
D. diarrhea
Question Number 3
_______simply means difficult passage of stools. It is caused by lack of of water in the colon.
A. stomach ulcer
B. diarrhea
C. constipation
D. indigestion
Question Number 4
It is a cavity formed when tiny bits of food left between your teeth produce acid.
A. enamel
B. feces
C. electrolyte
D. tooth decay
Question Number 5
It occurs when food in the stomach is not properly digested.
A. constipation
B. indigestion
C. diarrhea
D. ulcer
Question Number 6
It is an ailment which may be caused by intake of spoiled food and intestinal infections.
A. indigestion
B. hepatitis
C. diarrhea
D. ulcer