General Health Quiz
Question Number 1
How much time per week should I spend exercising? (bottom range)
A. At least 10 minutes of a raised heart rate per week. (3 min per day 3 times/week)
B. At least 3 hours of a raised heart rate per week. (1 hour per day 3 times/week)
C. At least 1.5 hours of a raised heart rate per week. (30 min per day 3 times/week)
D. At least 60 minutes of a raised heart rate per week. (20 min per day 3 times/week)
Question Number 2
Which type of fish is the best for you? (Because of the mercury contents and types of fat)
A. Sea trout
B. Perch
C. Salmon
D. Snook
Question Number 3
Which type of lipoprotein is better for you? And why?
A. HDL, this transports cholesterol to the liver where it can be metabolized and eliminated from the body.
B. LDL, this transports cholesterol to the liver where it can be metabolized and eliminated from the body.
C. Omega 3, just because
D. Omega 6, because its found in so many foods and it helps eliminate fat from the mitochondria.
Question Number 4
What requires the least impact on your knees?
A. Walking
B. Elliptical Trainer
C. Running
D. Rock Climbing
Question Number 5
What are the key elements in the wellness wheel?
A. Spirtual, Physical,
B. Spirtual, Physical, Mental
C. Spirtual, Physical, Mental, Emotional
D. Spirtual, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, Environmental
Question Number 6
How long should you hold a static stretch for?
A. 5 sec
B. 10 sec
C. 1 minute
D. 20-30 sec
Question Number 7
New studies have suggested that "this" has been the culprit in the increased obese population.
A. The fat our population ingests
B. The increase in carbohydrates in our diet, while the good fats have decreased.
C. Increase in protein intake
D. People just not eating.
Question Number 8
How many small meals should you have per day?
A. 1
B. 10
C. 3
D. 2
E. 5-6
Question Number 9
What is the correct order in the lifestyle change theory?
A. Precontemplation, Contemplation, Action, Maintenance
B. Precontemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance
C. Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance
D. Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance
Question Number 10
What are good ideas when starting a lifestyle change?
A. Writing it down
B. Self-Contract
C. A Motivator
D. Goals Sheet
E. A Good Reward System
F. All the above