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  Ch. 9 lesson 3 Quiz
Question Number 1
What was happening to the farmers
A. They were getting rich
B. Nothing
C. They were selling large estates
D. They were falling into poverty
Question Number 2
What is a triumvirate
A. A rating made by three people
B. A political alliance of three people
C. A government ruled three people
D. A triumvirate does not exist
Question Number 3
Who was in the First Triumvirate
A. Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus
B. Jack, John, and Jim
C. Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus
D. There wasn't a First Triumvirate
Question Number 4
Who was in the Second Triumvirate
A. Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus
B. Jack, John, and Jim
C. Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus
D. There wasn't a Second Triumvirate
Question Number 5
What was Augustus' original name
A. Antony
B. Julius
C. Octavian
D. Lepidus
Question Number 6
What are latifundia
A. Large farming estates
B. Small farms
C. Wealthy homes
D. They don't exist
Question Number 7
What does "crossing the Rubicon" mean
A. You're acting like Caesar
B. To cross a river
C. To make a choice that you can turn back on
D. To make a choice that you cannot turn back on
Question Number 8
What did Caesar risk when he crossed the Rubicon
A. Going to prison
B. A civil war
C. Execution
D. Nothing
Question Number 9
On what day was Casar killed
A. April 1
B. February 12
C. June 5
D. March 15
Question Number 10
Who fell in love with Cleopatra VII
A. Antony
B. Lepidus
C. Octavian
D. Caesar
Question Number 11
What type of government did Augustus use
A. An empire
B. A republic
C. An oligarchy
D. A democracy
Question Number 12
What were the new troops
A. Civilians
B. Slaves
C. Professional soldiers
D. There were no new troops
Question Number 13
Who died in Actium
A. Soldiers, CleopatraVII, and Antony
B. Soldiers and Caesar
C. Soldiers, Caesar, and Crassus
D. Soldiers
Question Number 14
What struggles did Marius cause
A. Military
B. Power
C. Money
D. He didn't cause struggles
Question Number 15
What happened to Crassus
A. He left politics
B. He ran away
C. He was killed
D. Nothing

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