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  Chemistry Quiz
Question Number 1
amount of substance
A. second
B. kelvin
C. mole
D. ampere
Question Number 2
A. kilogram
B. candela
C. ampere
D. kelvin
Question Number 3
A. kelvin
B. ampere
C. kilogram
D. candela
Question Number 4
A. mole
B. kilogram
C. meter
D. second
Question Number 5
electronic current
A. meter
B. candela
C. ampere
D. kilogram
Question Number 6
A. meter
B. kilogram
C. kilogram
D. candela
Question Number 7
luminous intensity
A. mole
B. candela
C. meter
D. ampere
Question Number 8
A. mol
B. ml
C. mo
D. mll
Question Number 9
A. kv
B. ke
C. kk
D. k
Question Number 10
A. ki
B. kg
C. ko
D. kilo
Question Number 11
A. sec
B. se
C. s
D. so
Question Number 12
A. a
B. am
C. pe
D. amp
Question Number 13
A. me
B. m
C. met
D. mete
Question Number 14
A. ca
B. c
C. cd
D. cl
Question Number 15
A. phlogiston
B. systematic metallurgy
C. discovered
D. discovered oxygen
Question Number 16
A. 1st quantitive measurements
B. father of modern chemistry
C. nuclear model of the atom
Question Number 17
A. discovered electron
B. discovered oxygen
C. father of modern chemistry
D. discovered neutron
Question Number 18
A. nuclear model
B. phlogiston
C. Atomic theory
D. systematic metallurgy
Question Number 19
A. discontinuous theory of matter
B. medicinal application
C. phlogiston
D. atomic theory
Question Number 20
jj thompson
A. discovered nuetron
B. discovered atom
C. discovered oxygen
D. discovered electron
Question Number 21
A. law of definite compostition
B. father of modern chemistry
C. phlogiston
D. nuclear model of the atom
Question Number 22
A. nuclear model of atom
B. phlogiston
C. medicinal appication of minerals
D. systematic metallurgy
Question Number 23
A. discovered electron
B. discovered oxygen
C. discovered atom
D. discovered nuetron
Question Number 24
A. law of definite composition
B. phlogiston
C. medicinal appication of minerals
D. atomic theory
Question Number 25
A. father of modern chemistry
B. atomic theory
C. phlogiston
D. nuclear model of the atom
Question Number 26
A. nuclear model of atom
B. father of modern chemistry
C. phlogiston
D. discovered oxygen
Question Number 27
A. 10^3
B. 10^6
C. 10^8
D. 10^3
Question Number 28
most abundant element on earth and in the human body
A. hydrogen
B. sulfate
C. oxygen
D. carbon
Question Number 29
which atomic particle determines the chemical behavior of an atom?
A. neutron
B. electron
C. proton
D. nucleus
Question Number 30
which particle has the smallest mass?
A. nuetron
B. helium nucleus
C. electron
D. proton
Question Number 31
atoms of the same element having the same atomic number but different mass numbers are called
A. nuetrons
B. isomers
C. nuclei
D. isotopes
Question Number 32
list main subatomic particles
A. nuetrons
B. protons
C. electrons
D. all of the above
Question Number 33
what is a summary of observed behavior
A. behavior
B. symbol
C. theory
D. law
Question Number 34
which of the following involves no chemical change
A. burning paper
B. driving a car
C. boiling water
D. baking a cake
Question Number 35
which of the following is only a physical change
A. potatoes rot
B. a nail rusts
C. a piece of sulfur is burned
D. ice melts
Question Number 36
a sample of an element contains only one kind of
A. atom
B. isotope
C. pure substances
D. mixture
Question Number 37
a solution can be distinguished from a compound by its?
A. heterogenous nature
B. variable composition
C. lack of color
D. liquid state
Question Number 38
in a chemical change
A. the original material can never be regenerated
B. a phase change never occurs
C. the products are different substances from the starting materials
D. a phase change must occur

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